Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline Council Inc

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$750 Goal

Will you give the gift of Girl Scouting?

When you support Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline, you’re not just contributing to an organization; you’re investing in the future leaders of our community. Girl Scouts learn to discover their talents and passions, forge connections with the world, and enact meaningful change in their neighborhoods.

Did you know that your gift:

  • Supports local Girl Scouts. Your contribution directly benefits girls in the community.
  • Ignite her curiosity through STEM. GSVSC introduces girls to the magic of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
  • Equip her with financial success. Girls learn essential financial literacy and entrepreneurship skills.
  • Empower her future: Your support gives girls a chance for vibrant and successful futures.
  • Inspire Outdoor Exploration: Girl Scouting encourages girls to embrace the outdoors and try new activities.
  • Provide Vital Assistance: Your generosity supports Girl Scouts with membership, campership, and uniform needs.

Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change. Join us in giving the gift of Girl Scouting. By doing so, you empower girls to become the leaders of today and tomorrow.

Can the girls count on you?

Organization Data


Organization name

Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline Council Inc

other names

GSVSC, Girl Scouts, Virginia Skyline

Tax id (EIN)



5488 Yellow Mountain Rd



Social Media